
Jus a comment!!

Jus a comment regarding this page.. I would like to request if we can put in English language translation. If our page dekstop now had Foochow movie picture, i suggest we jus put our news and announcement or activities will be much better in format. All those picture, we put in Gallery column.
For our members name list, we put it in another link so that we wont looks like complicated page but simple and nice. Jus a comment..
Have a nice day ^-^

Yours faithfully,
Ng Yee Kien.

Dear James Ng,

Thank you for your comments. We will take them into consideration in our strike to improve this blog. Hope more members will visit and meet here and use this platform to share their opinions, conmunicate and transfer of information.




福州戏又称闽剧,为现存唯一用福建方言念对白和演唱的大戏。 它最初流行于闽北,闽东和闽中等地区,随后传到台湾和东南亚等地。


福州戏的唱腔由“洋歌”,“江湖调“,“逗腔“ 和 “小调“ 等四大类组成。

“江湖调“ 粗犷激情,“洋歌” 通俗流畅,“逗腔”高雅温婉,“小调” 则活泼清信。


打击乐器则有青鼓,战鼓, 锣,钹 和馨等。


以上资料取自南洋商报星期日- EASY 21-9-2008